We Want To Know How You Use The Library

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The Library is hosting a UX (User Experience) workshop for staff on Thursday 9th March, delivered by a leading expert, Andy Priestner.  As part of this workshop we would like to work with students to be able to conduct some research.  We’re looking to recruit 20-24 students.

Here’s a link to Andy’s website for more information on what he does: https://andypriestnertraining.com/

We would love to be able to engage with students to find out how they use the library’s resources and spaces with a view to making changes based on ethnographical research methods.

Join us for lunch in Deptford Town Hall and then for a one hour research session in Special Collections and Archives in the Library.  You’ll also be given a £10 voucher for the Word bookshop as a thank you for their time.

Below is the outline for the whole day.  Lunch is at 12:15.  The two student research sessions are at 13:00 and 14:00.

09:00     Introductions; Aims; What are UX research methods?; What is ethnography?
10:15     Break
10:30     UX techniques: Observation; Interview; Cognitive mapping; Usability testing; Touchstone tours; Card sorting.
12:15     Lunch
13:00     Research with first group of students
14:00     Research with second group of students (as above, repeated)
15:00     Break
15:15     Affinity mapping (of data gathered)
16:15     Idea generation (ideas for changes/new services)
16:50     Learning summary

If this sounds like something you’re interested in and if you want to help shape the future of the library, just email Marilyn Clarke (m.clarke@gold.ac.uk). Please specify whether you’d like to work with us at 13:00 and 14:00 (there are more spaces available for 14:00).

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